- TitleI am You are
- AuthorKyoungshin Kim
- IllustratorKyoungshin Kim
- Pages38
- DateSep. 9, 2021
- Size217×217㎜
- ISBN9788992704861
- 2022 Selected for Munhaknanum
- A Winner of Illustrators Exhibition at BCBF (2022)

A depiction of the variety and uniqueness of human personalities
From a plethora of different personalities, the author chose 16 based on the MBTI personalities and projected them onto a cycling race as athletes, with each being given a moment to express themselves on canvas.
Though the 16 athletes are the protagonist in their own scene, they appear as background characters in others to continue their tale. It is similar to how within our lives we take center stage, but in other’s we are placed to the sides. At times, the portrayal of myself by myself may overlap with those by others’, but there will also be moments when their disunity is clear, akin to the illustration in the back-end page. Thusly the book depicts the fundamental constructs of society.