- TitleMy Summer,
- AuthorSoyung Lee
- IllustratorSoyung Lee
- Pages46
- DateJun. 21, 2020
- Size247×248㎜
- ISBN9788992704762
- White Ravens List (2021)
- BIB Korean Entry (2021)
- Selected for Munhaknanum (2020)
Narrator.Soyoung Lee | Editing.Joohyun Lee(movie), Jehoon Lee(music)
Music.Harlequin & Adding The Sun by Kevin Maclead
As spring passes, summer comes around. The heavy heat of summer weighs everyone down. On one side, the heatwaves blur our mind, but on the other, does it not bring much needed relaxation? From another perspective, the summer heat wants to make you stop a moment, and the trees provide a tranquil place to rest. The colors of summer radiating around us, and the lines of rain that connect the sky and earth bring out the memories fading with the heat. As the last of the summer heat ripens the peaches, summer becomes sweet.