- TitleThe Great Apaturaillia
- AuthorJieun
- IllustratorJieun
- Pages36
- DateDec. 24, 2019
- Size229×250㎜
- ISBN9788992704670
- Korean Entry for BIB (2021)
- BCBF Selected Illustrator (2020)

In a world of relative perspective, the artist creates a smaller place than where we live. She makes a country on a leaf of the aspen tree inhabited by the purple emperor. Strange creatures such as Pillo, Lamu, and Coc etc. live in the country. The world created by the artist is very detailed and the characters satirize human emotion. It is a bonus to show the birth of the beautiful butterfly “Apatura ilia” on the leaf. Many young readers are expected to enjoy the pleasure of imagination through this picture book, which tells the story of a small and invisible world with abundant sights.