- TitleThe Arcorn Time
- AuthorJinhee Lee
- IllustratorJinhee Lee
- Pages48
- DateOct. 10, 2019
- Size236×183㎜
- ISBN9788992704663
- BCBF Selected Illustrator (2020)

Most people will have days when they feel shriveled up. Acorn time is a portrayal of comforting yourself and escaping from that feeling. The author has amalgamated the real body with the feeling and shrunk the protagonist’s body. Then, past the objects of daily life he went into the paint frame of the squirrel. As if expecting him, the squirrel opens the acorn lid. Inside, the protagonist rolls around aimlessly or stares at the sky emptying his mind and having a period of rest. After his mind has been healed a little, the protagonist comes out of the acorn and waits for other acorn time journeyers, staring into the starry sky together.